
Our focus is on both prevention and management on potential health issues covering areas such as new born baby checks and care, 4 year old Healthy Kids Checks, general early childhood disease prevention, diabetes and asthma education, vaccinations, childhood health guidance, childhood and adolescent mental health issues, acne and related adolescent skin disorders.
We provide services especially for women such as family planning, pap smear, breast check, mammogram referral, pregnancy and post natal care, menopause management, Implanon insertion and removal, sexual health and sexually transmissable infection (STI) education.
A range of services for men, including sexual health sexually transmissable infection (STI) education, prostate checks, cardiovascular checks, erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation treatment.
We provide all childhood immunisations, both script and order vaccinations. We have our annual Flu Clinic to provide protection against winter influenza. In addition, we administer the full range of vaccinations to protect against a range of diseases and infections for both teenagers and adults.
The CVC program provides comprehensive co-ordinated care to Department of Veterans Affairs Gold card holders, with chronic or complex health conditions, to help better manage their health. With the care from both doctors and our resident nurses, the program helps to educate and assist patients to self-manage their health conditions, via on-going planned and co-ordinated care.
This is a one-off assessment with the goal of acknowledging and understanding past family history of health issues to provide the best possible chance of preventing and reducing foreseeable illnesses typical of middle age. This done by using the results from full blood tests, weight and body mass index measurents, blood pressure checks, skin fold tests.
Our doctors are equipped to treat both amateur and professional athletes. This includes the treament of both new or old injuries, referrals to appropriate allied health professions, specific injury rehabilitation as well as nutritional and dietary planning. Pre exercise program consultation and checkups.
Our doctors discuss the potential dangers of overweight and obesity with the patient in relation to chronic diseases. A mutually agreed weight management plan is put in place with the help of our resident nurses to reach your optimal weight goal.
We undertake a wide range of comprehensive assessments of potential employees. This includes physical check-ups, drug and alcohol testing, hearing tests, heart tests (ECG), muscoloskeletal assessments, lung function tests, vision testing, infectious disease testing. Our practice in consultation with employers undertake specific assessments for specific industries.
Our services cover the entire treatment process from initial assesment of injury, scheduling of regular appointments, return to work planning (placing and maintaining the employee back into work) based on their psychological and physical needs, referrals to other specialist or allied health professions if required, and treatment progress monitoring. Our ultimate goal is to keep the patient well informed and ensure they can return to the workplace fully rehabilitated. In addition to management of work related injuries we also counsel patients on future injury prevention.
Our medical practice provides comprehensive care plans specifically designed for each patient, to make sure all diseases are covered and the ultimate goal of good health is achieved. Typical plans cover diabetes care, arthritis, chronic care and osteoporosis among others.
Our services provide full health checks with an In-depth assessment to identify any preventable health issues or conditions to improve patients’ quality of life. This includes care arrangements, recommendations for appropriate interventions, professional advice to senior patients on support networks (Care at Home). We deal with the important issues relating to patients’ lifestyle, proper exercise, medication, psychological and cognitive function which includes mini-mental memory tests, continence and blood pressure.
A wide range of services covering medication management, regular counselling, referral to mental health services and allied professionals, preparation and on-going management of mental-health plans.
Your Family Doctor is a vital part of managing your family’s health and well-being. Our family medical centre offers comprehensive health care for people of all ages, family or individuals, with the emphasis to both treat and prevent illnesses and promote healthy living. We believe the key to providing superior medical care to you and your family is to take a holistic approach in understanding both your environment and your personal circumstances.
We cover the well being of your entire family, from pregancy through childhood into adulthood and beyond. Our approach to care is based on the principle that the family is the centre of a person’s wellbeing. Healthy people in happy families leads to strong and vibrant communities. Our medical centre provides essential services such as nurse support, asthma management, ECG’s, 24 hour holter-monitors, ear-wash outs, skin checks, wound dressing, minor surgery, prescriptions, referrals, blood tests, test-results follow up, blood pressure monitoring, lung-function tests and injury diagnosis and treatment (including MRI referrals). It also covers the whole range of children’s checkups, women’s health, men’s health, vaccinations, aged care, mental health care, accident and injury diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation.
Stetho Health Cranbourne is accredited General Practice for travel vaccines and is Yellow Fever Vaccine Accredited Centre. Call us for more information or visit us at 1 Ferndown Drive Cranbourne.
We have 4CYTE pathology on site Monday to Friday 9am-1pm. Collectors can take samples and perform ECGs when required.

Our focus is on both prevention and management on potential health issues covering areas such as new born baby checks and care, 4 year old Healthy Kids Checks, general early childhood disease prevention, diabetes and asthma education, vaccinations, childhood health guidance, childhood and adolescent mental health issues, acne and related adolescent skin disorders.

Women’s Health

We provide services especially for women such as family planning, pap smear, breast check, mammogram referral, pregnancy and post natal care, menopause management, Implanon insertion and removal, sexual health and sexually transmissable infection (STI) education.

A range of services for men, including sexual health sexually transmissable infection (STI) education, prostate checks, cardiovascular checks, erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation treatment.

We provide all childhood immunisations, both script and order vaccinations. We have our annual Flu Clinic to provide protection against winter influenza. In addition, we administer the full range of vaccinations to protect against a range of diseases and infections for both teenagers and adults.

The CVC program provides comprehensive co-ordinated care to Department of Veterans Affairs Gold card holders, with chronic or complex health conditions, to help better manage their health. With the care from both doctors and our resident nurses, the program helps to educate and assist patients to self-manage their health conditions, via on-going planned and co-ordinated care.
This is a one-off assessment with the goal of acknowledging and understanding past family history of health issues to provide the best possible chance of preventing and reducing foreseeable illnesses typical of middle age. This done by using the results from full blood tests, weight and body mass index measurents, blood pressure checks, skin fold tests.
Our doctors are equipped to treat both amateur and professional athletes. This includes the treament of both new or old injuries, referrals to appropriate allied health professions, specific injury rehabilitation as well as nutritional and dietary planning. Pre exercise program consultation and checkups.

Our doctors are equipped to treat both amateur and professional athletes. This includes the treament of both new or old injuries, referrals to appropriate allied health professions, specific injury rehabilitation as well as nutritional and dietary planning. Pre exercise program consultation and checkups.

We undertake a wide range of comprehensive assessments of potential employees. This includes physical check-ups, drug and alcohol testing, hearing tests, heart tests (ECG), muscoloskeletal assessments, lung function tests, vision testing, infectious disease testing. Our practice in consultation with employers undertake specific assessments for specific industries.
Our services cover the entire treatment process from initial assesment of injury, scheduling of regular appointments, return to work planning (placing and maintaining the employee back into work) based on their psychological and physical needs, referrals to other specialist or allied health professions if required, and treatment progress monitoring. Our ultimate goal is to keep the patient well informed and ensure they can return to the workplace fully rehabilitated. In addition to management of work related injuries we also counsel patients on future injury prevention.
Our medical practice provides comprehensive care plans specifically designed for each patient, to make sure all diseases are covered and the ultimate goal of good health is achieved. Typical plans cover diabetes care, arthritis, chronic care and osteoporosis among others.
Our services provide full health checks with an In-depth assessment to identify any preventable health issues or conditions to improve patients’ quality of life. This includes care arrangements, recommendations for appropriate interventions, professional advice to senior patients on support networks (Care at Home). We deal with the important issues relating to patients’ lifestyle, proper exercise, medication, psychological and cognitive function which includes mini-mental memory tests, continence and blood pressure.
A wide range of services covering medication management, regular counselling, referral to mental health services and allied professionals, preparation and on-going management of mental-health plans.
Your Family Doctor is a vital part of managing your family’s health and well-being. Our family medical centre offers comprehensive health care for people of all ages, family or individuals, with the emphasis to both treat and prevent illnesses and promote healthy living. We believe the key to providing superior medical care to you and your family is to take a holistic approach in understanding both your environment and your personal circumstances.
We cover the well being of your entire family, from pregancy through childhood into adulthood and beyond. Our approach to care is based on the principle that the family is the centre of a person’s wellbeing. Healthy people in happy families leads to strong and vibrant communities. Our medical centre provides essential services such as nurse support, asthma management, ECG’s, 24 hour holter-monitors, ear-wash outs, skin checks, wound dressing, minor surgery, prescriptions, referrals, blood tests, test-results follow up, blood pressure monitoring, lung-function tests and injury diagnosis and treatment (including MRI referrals). It also covers the whole range of children’s checkups, women’s health, men’s health, vaccinations, aged care, mental health care, accident and injury diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation.
Stetho Health Cranbourne is accredited General Practice for travel vaccines and is Yellow Fever Vaccine Accredited Centre. Call us for more information or visit us at 1 Ferndown Drive Cranbourne.

We have Australian Clinical Labs on site Monday to Friday 9am-1pm.

Contact Us
1 Ferndown Drive, Cranbourne, VIC – 3977 Phone:- 03 5996 3188

© 2020 – Stetho Health Cranbourne | All rights reserved | Maintained by Solution 22

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