We recommend the use of a trained interpreter if you or a family member/ friend require assistance. Using a trained person protects your privacy, and reduces the risk of misinterpretation as medical terminology may be lost in translation.
A free government translating service is available 24 hours a day by phoning 13 14 50.
There are: Auslan interpreter services OR TIS (Translation and Interpreter Service)
The Health Translations Directory provides direct links to reliable translated health resources produced in Australia.
The Royal Children’s Hospital provides translated resources.
NPS online provides Translated health information about medicines.
Positive partners provides resources that have been developed for families of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse backgrounds, and those that are supporting them.
Breast feeding online services provides Breast feeding resources in other languages.
Diabetes Australia produces a number of multilingual resources available to the public
MHIMA provides National Mental Health Strategy resources in other languages.
The Women’s Hospital offer a wide variety of fact sheets on women’s health topics in other languages.
IWSS provides resources about domestic violence in other languages.